Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Chat on Phone

Once upon a time, in little England

Hi friend, are you okay? Since when did not you call me. I have very hot news to tell you. I was not there, but a friend of a friend of a friend said she was, saw everything with her own eyes.

You know that mansion that has a club. Yes it is, that has several great parties. That is AYA Sissy Sanctuary. My friend told me that on the last weekend, there was a party, suddenly in the middle of the animation, a lady very elegant, with queen size, climbed on stage and had to stop everything. Suddenly in the middle of the animation, Not sent, is very strong, just had to ask .
A girl was called to the stage, I think her name was Solen . The lady was her boss or something close, because she quickly stopped dancing, curtsied and walked rapidly on stage.

Queen Talin, Governess Kara and sissy Maid Solen at AYA BDSM Sissy Maid Sanctuary
This woman my friend, was Queen Talin. After the Solen arrived on stage, Her Majesty said that she was in a lot of trouble, and that she did not know what she would do with the maid.
The air was cold at the time. The poor girl was so nervous. Friend, would you be shocked if someone wear a weapon during a party? ... I would, but there was one lady who were beginning to sharpens her axe, another lady made ​​the gesture of cutting the neck, you know. Pity for the poor Solen.

Then the Queen continued to speak and said she made a decision for the girl. She told her to kneel down there on stage in front of all the party. The situation was so tense, you could feel the heavy air. Another lady (I do not know who or what she was, I just know she was also very beautiful, that she should have an important job and that her name was Kara) asked to speak privately with the Queen.

Solen kaneeling in stage of AYA BDSM Sissy Maid Sanctuary

After that, the Queen began to ask several questions to Solen. Asked if she would do anything for AYA, if she loved family and sisters and herself the Queen, Solen replied that would do anything for AYA, loved everyone and everything and that herself felt blessed to serve the Queen. But the Queen said that was not what she had heard, and she was very sad to say that Solen could not be more that a Senior Maid AYA.

The astonishment was general among those who were present, so the lady Kara protested “That it was a big mistake”. The majority of the other people were shocked and mouth open. Solen lowered his head and accepted the decision.
The Queen ordered her to remove her tag, Solen cried. The Lady kara tried to intercede again, but the decision was already made. Solen thanked her.
After this sad scene, she told Solen to get up and asked if she knew why she had removed her tag. A tearful Solen said she did not know.
With a slight smile in the corner of the lips,the Queen asked Solen to look in her hands for her new tag, which was written HEAD MAID SOLEN  . And loudly with a big smile on her face she proclaimed:

The nervous and heavy ambient magically burst into applause, congratulations and tears of joy.
The Queen embraced Solen affectionately, congratulating her and saying that was the Governess Kara’s idea to make her suffer. Solen thanked her very happily . After The Queen made ​​another proclamation:
 Queen Talin huggs Head Maid Solen at AYA BDSM Sissy Maid Sanctuary


A new burst of joy came jointly with the request of speech.
Very touched, HEAD MAID SOLEN said:
“Oh my...It's with great honor and with great humility that I will now serve as Head Maid”
“I still have so much to learn, I will never forget the little trainee I once was, I will continue to serve Aya and My Queen with great pride”
Fourth wave of applause and congratulations.
My friend, I'm off, I can not talk and cry at the same time. Hugs and Kisses.

HEAD MAID SOLEN, it is with great pride that your name is registered in the


Valuable Order of Had Maid of AYA BDSM Sissy Maid Sanctuary Book

All AYA Family congratulate Head Maid Solen Hemellin

By Marta
Revised Stacy
Photo Alexis, Mikki


  1. Thank you so much everyone. I will never forget this heart almost stopped. I love you all!

  2. Congratulations Head Maid Solen sis, you desrve.
    Hug and Kiss
