Saturday, November 30, 2013


THEME:  Sensual Bondage , keep it genitalia

!!!OBS!!! we want the best picture to win, so while supporting your friends is nice, please vote for those who deserve it. Only the names of the top 5 pictures will be shown

Cost to Join: 100L

PRIZE: 2000 L (1000, 700, 300 split)

Who can join: this contest is for ALL AYA members (others will be removed, no refunds)

Who can vote: Anyone can vote :) it only costs 25L and you can vote as much as you like

Duration: Pictures can be added from Nov 24th, voting will open during Sunday social December 1st and contest will be closed during Sunday social at 0100pm slt on December 7th

YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO UPLOAD A PICTURE OF YOURSELF (or you need written permission from the person in the pic)

How to Join:

It costs 100L/picture to join, just pay the frame (the smaller picture frames on the right of the big board) and it will snatch your profile pic, you can add any from your inventory by holding down Ctrl and dragging it to your board (after you pay). You can have any number of pictures uploaded but only your highest score will count towards winning (you can’t come 1st 2nd 3rd all at once)


Once voting is open it cost 25L to vote and you can vote as much as you like, just pay the board you want to vote for (the smaller picture frames on the right of the big board)

ALL MONEY MADE will go to support AYA, and while we want to make as much as possible we also want to keep it fair so:




Contest Rules & Help

-   In "pay to join mode" you can use more than one photo board to participate in the contest. Only the highest
        Vote count will be considered on winner selection. It can be an advantage to occupy more than one board
        But also a disadvantage. You choose the strategy. But please, be considerate: others want to participate
        As well.
     In "free join mode" you are permitted to acquire only one photo board.
-   People caught cheating will immediately be removed by the owner/host without notice or refunds.
-   Anyone trying to manipulate the contest or disturbing it by their actions will be removed and banned.
-   The contest host's decisions are always final and there is no discussion about their decisions.
-   For further questions contact the host or the owner of the system.

Depending on the mode of the contest you can join for free by touching one of the unused photo boards or
Join by paying the required join fee to an empty photo board.
The photo board will try to load your profile picture and display it. Once loaded, you can now change it by loading
Another photo/texture into it. In order to do that, hold down the CTRL key and drag a picture from your inventory onto
The photo board while holding down the left mouse button. The frame will highlight to red and you can release
The left mouse button. The picture/texture has to be FULLPERM (also for next owner - see bottom of properties page)
Due to technical reasons.
If done properly the picture will be displayed and the photo board changes to voting mode.

Changing your picture
To change your picture, touch the sign and you will receive a menu with some options:
    - Load Picture:     Changes the photo board to picture loading mode. Update your picture by following
                                    The instructions above.
                                    Touch to keep the picture and to proceed to voting mode again. (This will happen
                                    Automatically after 2 minutes as well).
    - Profile Picture:  Tries to load you profile picture onto the photo board. After that it will change to the
                                     "Picture loading mode". Touch to keep the picture and to proceed to voting
                                    Mode again. (This will happen automatically after 2 minutes as well).
                                    If you have disabled "show in search" in your profile, the system will not be able to
                                    Acquire your profile picture. On change it will take up to 24 hours until it will be available.
    - Close Menu:       Closes the menu with no action
    - Abandon:            Abandon will close the photo board and remove yourself from the contest.
                                    Attention: No refunds!
Depending on the mode (free vote / voting fee) you can either vote by clicking on a photo board or by paying
The assigned voting fee.
In free vote mode you have between 1 and 10 votes which you can cast on any of the photo boards - even all on one.
The board will tell you how much votes are left each time you vote for a person.
You can NOT vote for yourself. In case of a voting fee the payed amount will NOT be paid back if you try to
Vote for yourself!

Winner selection
The owner/host decides when they will close the contest and select a winner.
The current 5 top voted are listed on the main display along with their current votes.
The prize will be split to the top three contestants as 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. On a draw (same amount of votes) there will
Be no split of the prize amount - the system internally selects who of them will be 1st or 2nd (e.g. 2nd or 3rd).
The first ranked person can additionally win an item prize.
The winner names will be announced in open chat and also displayed on the Photo Contest System.

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