Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Hello Friends, Family, Governesses, Mistresses, Sirs, Dommes and submissives... and all friends of Aya.....

    Today as you may know is the holiday of "Thanksgiving" in the USA. While there are numerous histories of the holiday for you to google if desired... i would like to take this moment to tell you what Thanksgiving means to me.

    For me, Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. It is a time for friends and family alike to come together, break bread, and share their love and gatefullness for the many blessings we tend to overlook in everyday life.

    So today, i tell you all.... Today i am thankful to know sooo many wonderful people, to be able to have so many friends that are willing to listen and understand, so many to support me when down, so many to celebrate with me when up. I am Thankful for my loving family, both the extended Greymyst Clan, as well as my more immediate Clowny Loves :) I am immensely happy and thankful to be the Queen's daughter, not just as a Princess... but as Her girl, Her submissive, Hers. I am thankful to be a part of AYA, not only as a Head Maid, but also as the most simplest 'friend' of Aya.... someone to assist the new girls, a place where i can fulfill my desires to help others, as well as have a support system to assist myself when needed. I am thankful for such a great Head Governess, so caring and thoughtful, while staying the strong Domme we all love :) I am thankful for all of the staff... all Mistresses and Sirs that take their time to play with us submissives, spend their own moneys to provide a fun and safe place for us all to play. I am thankful for not only my immediate sisters, Twinkles, Stacy, Raven, Fuzzy, Alexis, and Andi (and whoever else i missed, hehe, who can keep track?)., but also thankful for ALL of my extended 'sisters of the duster' fellow maids :)

    There is sooo much to be grateful for.... the club, the mansion, the concern, the protection, the support, and love, the instruction and guidance, the friendship and fun times. I am sure i am missing someone or something that i should be including, and as the day goes on, and my rl home fills with the scents of Rosemary and Sage... know friends and loved ones... know that THIS girl... is thinking of you all... and is grateful for You in her life.

Happy Thanksgiving One and All!!!

With Deepest Love,
Princess Nicolette T.C. Greymyst

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