Friday, March 22, 2013

AYA has his "Specialist"

She is a quiet and very shy person. When you know her better, discover that she is also a very sweet person, an efficient Head Maid and knows everything and a little more about TV and movies.

 She is Head Maid Leona James.

Leona by Leona
“How do I define myself? That is a tough question. I think I would describe myself as a quiet, very shy person, not really into the kinky side of things (no more than the obvious anyway).
Unless you get me talking about something, in which case I can be difficult to shut up. Any number of people in AYA will tell you that much. If it is a geeky subject (TV, movies etc.) that I am into, you stand no chance. *giggles*”

A Little Bit of Her Story.
“I have (or had known) of AYA for some time, passing through here in previous lives. Those times though, I did not know what I wanted in SL, thinking I wanted a bit of roleplay. Now, I have discovered friendship and am happy just to talk with people.”

The trajectory of Head Maid Leona in AYA.
When I was accepted at AYA, I truly expected to be the longest ever trainee, not really expecting to advance through the ranks. I just put my head down and kept the Mansion clean, along with the occasional tour. Without realising it really, I had climbed to the rank of Senior Maid within 2 and a half months, and attained the rank of Head Maid not much later.

Head Maid duties are not easy.
“The duties of each Head Maid can vary, depending on their own individual skills. Some are good at being the Sanctuary reporter, others at being builders and proofreaders. You get the idea.”

“But the main duties are to make sure that everyone feels welcome at AYA. It is hard not to take someone's dissatisfaction personally, even if you had no part in it. This would be making sure guests are entertained, new trainees are kept informed and up to date with equipment and rules.
As I say, making sure everyone is happy.”


She is not only a Head Maid. She also works to keep AYA’s records.
“The only other function I really have at AYA is helping our Librarian keep her records up to date. This started with aiding on the design of a spreadsheet for keeping track of people's progression within the Sanctuary (medals, promotions, special ranks etc). After that was finished (I hope it is), I have been trying to keep notecards on new trainees/promotions and passing them along when I am around for such things.”
Yours words to AYA's Family.
“I would like to say thank you to everyone I have met at AYA, but especially to our fair Queen. You have truly given me a home away from home and I hope you realise how much I love you all. Without you, Leona would just be another boring avatar, wandering aimlessly through the grid, trying to find a place I could call home.”
Head Maid Leona James

Thanks Head Maid Leona for share a little about yourself with AYA’s Family.

by Marta

1 comment:

  1. Leona is always ready to listen, and a very good friend. She does not make noise, but her halo warms the mansion. Love You Leona!
